Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bigger Christmas

Everyone is talking about cutting back this Christmas. We are doing the same. We just have too many expenses.  And yet one part of our Christmas is bigger====my waistline. I am so aggravated by this. I know much of it is stress eating. I have finals for grad school, my last ones! Christmas is in about a week and I still have some shopping to do. I have no idea what to get my mother.  The boys are on this roller coaster of escalation, doing great one minute and then angry and explosive the next. So I turn to food. I am going back to Weight Watchers once again this evening. Yes. I am a repeat offender.  I am going to get back on track starting today. I will go walk on the treadmill at the Y. I will drink my 6-8 glasses of water. I will eat more veggies (already eat lots of fruit).  I really need to take better care of myself. It in turns causes me to take better care of my kids.  This car needs an overhaul!!


peggysue said...

Happy bigger Christmas! I am celebrating this year in the same manner . . ahem! Not good! I have the YMCA brochure ready and waiting for January when they waive the joiner fee. And last night I dreamt I stepped on a scale and weighed exactly 2,816 pounds. Isn't it funny how you remember those dream details? Not funny about the cause of that dream though!

Brenda said...

Wow! You weight more than me : ) Dreams are weird. It not fun losing and a lot of work but I have to do it. I am starting today though because I could gain 5 lb by New Years otherwise!

ali said...

i am on the phone with Kris, she called to chat. if we EVER hang up, my butt will be on the treadmill. gonna be a while lol GOOD FOR YOU!!!! its SO HARD to make the time, but i am, every day. i feel sooo great!

Brenda said...

Ali you are doing amazingly well! How much have you lost so far?

Simple living said...

I noticed I have been doing the stress eating also. My son is also in the Christmas roller coaster of some wonderful loving moments and lots of crazy lying, hyperactive behavior and destruction. We are committed to keeping him home as long as we are safe (he is 9).
I am also in grad school and have 18 more months to finish. I am also going into psych but my degree will be Psych Nurse Practitioner so I can counsel and prescribe. We need one child provider who understands RAD in Milwaukee.!

I'm getting on the treadmill when I can but I'm not good at taking care of ME. I'm an older mom and want to be around when my children are grown. i want to see my daughter graduate from college and my son hopefully employed and living in the community with healthy relationships....one can hope. (and pray)

Brenda said...


As an older mom, 53, I know what you mean. I definitely feel better at a lighter weight. I went back to Weight Watchers this evening and am ready to commit to this! I have been in grad school for a year and a half. I will finish the classroom portion this week and then begin an internship in January. Then attachment training.