Wednesday, October 31, 2007

quiet mornings

For 9 years our mornings have been complete and total chaos. My 2 kids with RAD wake up ready for battle and come out of their rooms looking for any takers. We have a new routine that is working great!! First thing I put the Mozart on the CD player. They get dressed and I absolutely do not say one word. If they want breakfast they will get there in time. If not they can always go to school in their jammies with an empty stomach. While I am fixing breakfast they come and do their strong sitting (choice of 5 minutes of strong sitting or 30 minutes of weak sitting) Here is Nancy Thomas' description and instructions on strong sitting. They then sit down and eat their scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and large glass of milk. Protein and calcium are both calming and eggs and milk are full of them. Afterwards they write in their journals. If there is time they may start chores, if not, that is fine. It is so much more relaxing than what we used to have and we start our day calm and ready.


Rachelle said...

Very interesting. Before I started reading your blog, I had no idea about the daily struggles
you deal with. You are one strong woman!

Brenda said...

Hmmm. No. I have a strong God.

Denise said...

Holy Cow...What time do you all get up in the morning? I can't even imagine getting all that done. You are far more organized than I am! Glad you are finding something that works for you and your boys!

Brenda said...

We get up at 7 and leave at 7:50. Its not early. I come down and get them up then start fixing breakfast while they are getting dressed. They come out and strong sit as I finish up. I give them their food and journals then I go eat and get dressed.