Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Terrific Tuesdays

Tuesday is my day off at work and the day I have to go to the "Big City" for supervision.  It is the day I take an hour or two to play. Today I am taking more. I have massage scheduled for 11 am. I'll run home and eat lunch. I am trying to eat healthy and exercise. What I have at home is more nutritious then what I would eat if I ate out. Then I will head out and do some shopping, a couple of errands and stop at a coffee shop to read and relax. 

Take time for yourself. It is not selfish.  Our body, soul and spirit need time to rejuvenate.  Jesus went to the garden to be alone and pray. You will have the energy and stamina to parent your child with RAD lovingly if you are not burned out yourself.

Have a healing day for you.


Anonymous said...

Have a great day of relaxation! I totally agree that parenting is much easier and you are a much better parent when you take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Im taking today off form work and going to rest. I will take a nap and then eat a good lunch and go to the gym. It is very quiet right now. I love it!!