Saturday, March 21, 2009

Is Attachment Therapy Abusive?

I see someone left a message below about this subject. Thanks for bringing it to my attention as it is a subject that should be clarified. A child was killed as a therapist used a method called "re birthing" with a child wrapped in a blanket. What a horrific tragedy. A child's safety should NEVER be put in jeopardy and be called therapy.

Current methods of Attachment therapy are generally loving, nurturing and empathetic. The child is respected in every way. In fact Attach has a paper written just about the subject of coercion. Parents are taught methods of therapeutic parenting. The majority of the work takes place in the home and the parents are doing the work with the child.

When interviewing an Attachment Therapist be sure to ask about coercion. It should not be a part of their plan. Read about the different methods in books or at websites listed on the right. Be completely comfortable with what methods your therapist uses. The words empathy and attunement should be a part of any plan.

I want to add this comment by Dr. Becker-Weidmann with thanks:

"Good points here. I might add that one additional thing to look for would be, is the person a Registered Clinician with the Association for The Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children ( That would be very important. In addition, look at the therapists Informed Consent document to be sure what is and is not done is consistent with the ATTACh White paper and generally acceptable standards."

1 comment:

Arthur Becker-Weidman, PhD said...

Good points here. I might add that one additional thing to look for would be, is the person a Registered Clinician with the Association for The Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children ( That would be very important. In addition, look at the therapists Informed Consent document to be sure what is and is not done is consistent with the ATTACh White paper and generally acceptable standards.