Sunday, September 28, 2008


I think it is Hallmark that is fond of the old quote "Laughter is the best medicine". (And as Bren pointed out, God said it first! : )" It's true. It can change the whole mood of the day. Yesterday Bear was a.....bear. I asked him if he needed a hug and reached for him. He turned and stomped away angrily. I grabbed his arm and pressed my cheek to his upper arm. I was wearing my fuzzy slippers and we were in the kitchen. He started leaving the room and I hung on. I ended up sliding like a sled. Our little dogs, Maddie and Nellie started jumping up and nipping at my butt. I started to giggle. Taz was near by and he started laughing out loud. Bear turned around and started laughing too. He finally said "I have to admit that was funny." Every time someone came in the room we had to reenact it for them. Find the laughter. It is great medicine.


~Bren~ said...

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Keri said...

I'm so glad I read this entry today. I could soooo picture it! I need to remind myself of the 'laughter medicine' for those days when my RAD girl is a "bear'!

familygregg said...

That's awesome! I'm smiling w/you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I've been a bit too serious lately and you made me smile.
Linda N

ali said...

so so so so true. we forget sometimes. the gerat thing about jack is that he is beginning to have the ability to BE funny, see the fun in moment and things, catch irony and be spontaneous. sometimes its ok to make fun.