Last night I started working on my masters. Above is a picture of me on my first day of school. In class we read an article where the word "crazy" was often used. I feel this is such an out dated word. What is crazy after all? My children have been given so many labels over the years by so many people. I hate the labels because they bring up the picture in your mind of a "crazed" child. You have preconceived ideas of who this person is. At school I believe they only need the labels that really apply to their education. These labels go on their permanent record and the chances are if you went to a different professional you would get a different label. So how accurate are they anyway? But labels can be useful in treating and medicating our children. The more accurate they are and the more extensive the testing the better the chances are of finding a correct medication. Our older child with RAD has tried a wide range of medication. Most of it did nothing or made him worse. After our neuropsychologist did her testing we had a very well defined diagnosis of his problems. So now we are trying medication again and it seems to be more effective. If you are like me you hate the labels but realize they are sometimes necessary. Have a healing day!
I do hate labels, but how else do you describe a RAD kid???
Here is a post I read this morning that was so good. All parents can learn from it, but parents of RAD kids should really take it to heart. I tend to take my childs failures as my own.
Excellent. I think I will print this and put it on the fridge. I was going to add it to my post but saw it is copyrighted.
I think it is ok as long as you link back to the original writer like Hadias did. It would be a great resource here.
Congratulations on your first day of school! How exciting! Is that your new car too? You go, babe.
I'll do that for the post tomorrow then.
It is my new used car. The Jimmy has 148,000 miles on it. Plus this will get better mileage. It is the first time I have not driven a mommie mobile in 20 years.
Love that first day of school picture!! and ....your new wheels!!!
Don't you look fAbUlOuS!!! oooh la la!
Sadly, labels have their place.
Hey, I am trying to get word out about something and am having a little contest on my blog. Come check it out!
you go girl! AMEN to the label of "crazy" that's in school? amazing,you'd think it would be "politically incorrect" I only refer to myself as "crazy" usually in terms of the short walk not driving,...
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