Our daughter just left to go back to college. We will miss her. She is such a sweet giving spirit. My youngest is feeling the loss. He has had so much loss in his life. Loss of family, homes, friends, schools, possessions. Having his sister go back to college brings it all back up again. This is the child that is healing from RAD so he feels love for her. He is learning to feel and hurt at an appropriate time. She left about 30 minutes ago and he is am emotional, yelling mess. He just went in his room and I am giving him some space to calm down. Then I will go in and rub his back and talk about how I feel about her going back to school. I will let him know that feeling sad when she leaves is appropriate and it is actually good that he misses her. This child is now somewhere in between the land of "Rad" and the land of "Healthy feelings". It is a strange land where he has to now relearn relationships. Poor guy.
Wow, you were quick on that last post. I am still sitting here trying to edit out all my mistakes.
Tell your son that I fully understand. I have two dauhgters living way over in Oklahoma - one in school and one living on her own - and I MISS them very much. Sometimes I go down stairs to their rooms and just look at all their stuff from High School days and just miss them.
I don't know what I'm going to do when the youngest one leaves in a year and a half.
Thanks for your friendship.
Adopt from foster care? Here are the things that have helped us. First of all, Chris and I have started doing more fun, date type things together. You even live in an exciting place so there has to be tons of fun stuff to do. We have corn fields. Second, I am going to get a masters. Third, I just miss them like crazy. God will lead you. Maybe He has something really exciting in store for you in the coming years.
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