Saturday, January 19, 2008

Give Yourself a Break Day!

I am declaring today Give Yourself a Break Day!! This is for all the moms out there who tell themselves "I need to be more lenient. I need to be more strict. I need to hug more. I hover to much. I need to praise more. I need to praise only when it is meaningful. I need to allow him to make his own mistakes. I need to warn him of the consequences more. I need to try one more doctor. I take him to too many doctors. I need to pray more. I need to do more. My house is not clean enough. I shouldn't worry so much about my house." Today.... tell yourself you are doing all you can. You are doing your best. Stop trying so hard and trust God today. Give yourself a break today! You are an excellent mom!


Denise said...

Thank you! I'll be happy to celebrate this fantastic holiday with you!

Tami said...

Why, oh why do we do this to ourselves?! I'm loving your idea.

"Give Yourself a Break Day" aka "Stop Bashing Yourself Around Day"

Good call.

Renee said...

LMAO!!! Oh did I need this post yesterday. I second guessed myself into some serious health issues. At least that is what I am blaming them on. Thanks for reminding us that everything we think we do wrong, someone else thinks they should be doing.