Friday, October 26, 2007


What do bears have to do with RAD? I'm going to have Bears represent anger. My boys are so full of rage about the things they went through as babies. They want to fight. They want to fight anyone who tries to love them. Mostly me. We had one dog that was a fear biter. She was from the animal shelter. Well, almost all of our pets have been from the animal shelter and we have had some excellent animals. But this particular dog feared strangers so much. She would snap at them. A and R fear mom's so much they have much the same reaction. Love hurts. Love causes pain if you give it and they leave you. So don't love. Yesterday A was in a fight at school and is suspended for today. His anger spills over. I am a bear too. I am the mama bear that will fight for her children until the end. I will continue to search for answers for them and do what it takes until they trust and feel safe. I will not give up.


Rachelle said...

Just finished reading all your entries. What a wealth of information you are, and an incredible mom! Keep fighting for your family!

Brenda said...


Thanks. I just got through pulling my 2 bears off each other fighting. Soooooo angry. It can be exhausting.

Tami said...

You GO, babe. I'm praying you on.

Denise said...

You are a pillar of strength my friend! Praying for you!