Sunday, March 21, 2010

RAD is tough

I apologize for my absence. Trying to get the house and then keep the house "show ready" is time consuming. It is finally on the market though and we are having our first showing since listing this coming week.  I have had a ton of paperwork to fill out to register the boys for school for next year in our new town. I drove back there for an interview for the last half of my internship on Friday. We went out of town for a family wedding yesterday. The pace is exhausting.....and yet....

the emotional,physical and mental exhaustion I feel now is nothing compared to what it was like dealing with full blown RAD while in Attachment therapy. Nothing.  If you are in the midst of it, keep pressing on. Don't give up.  Take care of yourself and your emotionally healthy family members physically, spiritually, emotionally....You must if you are going to finish this race! It is a marathon, not a sprint.


BeckyJoie said...

I agree!

LemonyRenee' said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement, and right back at ya! Here's hoping you sell your house quickly and get back into a routine soon. Good luck.