Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Secret Life of the Unborn Child

The current book I am reading is about the effect our feelings, environment and health play on the unborn child. It is a huge eye opener for me. It speaks of the usual drugs, alcohol and smoking effecting our babies. It goes into much more. It talks about a famous conductor named Brott. He found that certain cello pieces he could just sit down and play without ever looking at the music and had no idea why. He talked with his mother, a cello player and found that those same pieces were the pieces she was practicing while pregnant. Another french mom took her daughter to doctors for help with autism. The child did not speak a word or progress until the doctor began to speak English. He questioned the french speaking parents only to find out that the mother worked in an English speaking office while pregnant. The stores go on. Prematurity, anxiety, the birth, all of these aspects of pregnancy and delivery effect who we are and how we see life. No wonder our children with RAD have such deeply seated issues. While pregnant the birth mother probably was involved in unhealthy relationships with much yelling, chaos and fear. All of these things are the first sounds our children heard. We are trying to change thought patterns learned prenatally. And yet God provides healing. Our children are miracles in the making.


Tami said...

Hmm. . .very interesting. I'm choosing to resist my urge to analyze each of my pregnancies to see where I screwed them up while in the womb, though. I don't need more to feel guilty about.

Brenda said...

I did the same thing. I think this book is talking about extremes. Receiving good prenatal care and living in a home with normal stresses wouldn't damage our children. The types of abuse and neglect they are talking about are not in our realm of thinking.

Denise said...

I agree. It's hard to not think about my pregnancies and wonder ~ but, with all that these children display, it is obvious that it is on the extreme side of things and not the "normal" that causes the damage. At least that is how it seems in my case. Very interesting though.

Brenda said...

I think it is wise to look back at our pregnancies and see what we did that was right. There were a lot of those things too. We all loved our unborn children, which is the most important aspect in this, and did our best. The worst abuse of an unborn child is to not want him and be unhappy. Apparently that has a huge effect on their emotional health.